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  • Writer's pictureFirestineFam 5

Fri-Yay except not

Usually I have a positive and excited feeling going into the weekend. You might be thinking, you have young children, why would you be excited for Friday? I'll tell you. Fridays mean more time as a family, more time with the hubs, date nights, sleepovers, sports activities, shopping, friends, dinners, sleeping in late, big breakfasts around the table, family walks, zoo trips, the list goes on. But this weekend Dave has to work. A few times a year their computer system for the ER updates and goes live. Basically they usually expect shit to hit the fan so IT peeps are on call and available 23/7for the first few days. So no hubs. The weather is shit because hello, Cleveland Ohio in February. All the kids are getting over colds. I feel blah and exhausted physically and mentally more than really I can't remember the last time but then I also can't sleep.

I messaged my psychiatrist because when things start being weird in your body, you see a doctor. Well, same for my brain. I'm on medication 💊 but sometimes things need tweaked, switched out, or just sorted out verbally. Whatever the situation, seek help because there is no shame in that game whatsoever. In fact, its probably one of the bravest things you can do in my opinion. Admit you need help. Especially when it's something you can't "see." Especially when it's something as taboo as mental health. People fear that admitting they need medication or therapy, is admitting they are "crazy" or they aren't an anxious or depressed person. Here's a hint though. Lean in. Closer. *whispering* Sometimes mental health problems are short term. Yes you head me right. Sometimes we need some help for a bit through a rough patch, Maybe a traumatic event, some difficult obstacles in life, health issues, post partum depression. Whatever the case may be, there is nothing wrong with getting help short term. You can always go off meds later.

Anyway, I got off the subject, but basically my mental health is shot. With my physical health that I worked so hard to build recently nowhere neat where I would like it at all, paired with fucking winter and not sleeping except in short bursts, cool. But that on top of seeing some of my closest friends crumple right before my eyes, and now a pointless war where innocent people are dying makes me sick. The world just makes me sick. I'm sure I will have a profound post on Monday, or at least I hope so, but for now, and you can quote me on this, fuck this shit. #PRAYFORUKRAINE #ISTANDWITHUKRAINE

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